Monday, February 7, 2011

Is It Wrong?

Is it wrong......

- to love the fact that when you tickle your children they can't do anything but fall to the ground in a laughing ball of submission.

- to ask your husband if there if anything special he wants from the grocery store, not because you really care if he wants something, but because you want something special ( ice cream) and can justify it if he wants something too.

- to hide behind the corner when you hear your children coming down the hall so you might "surprise" them when they walk past you.

- that when I ask Connor what he wants for breakfast and he tells me 'chocolate' there is a big part of me that wants to give in and say, "sure, why don't we all have some! I won't tell daddy if you won't!" We are so not good for each other.

- that I have screened workout videos to make sure they aren't too hard

-to tell your 4 year old that the Netflix is suddenly broken because you simply can not stand to watch "Shaun the tornado interceptor" again

-to "forget" to take something out of the freezer for dinner because you are lazy, and you know if you sound really upset about forgetting, your husband will say to just order a pizza

- that every time the doorbell rings my children think I ordered a pizza

- to have french fries and a milk shake after a workout

- to like cartoons more than your children do

If you have answered yes to any of these, then please don't tell me. Ignorance is bliss!


  1. Bahaha!!!

    You make me smile friend!

  2. well then my answer is a resounding NO! LOVE the store run one, except I go for a stop at the coffee drive thru :)

  3. Way to go AL yes/I mean No ..number #2 especially :D

  4. I think its wrong when your wife updates her blog so you take time out of your lunch to read the new post and its not there.
