Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I never thought I would have to say that

There are some things in life that I never imaginged myself saying, but now that I am a parent I find I have said them more than once. Here are a few examples:

"Get your feet out of your mouth."

"No, it would not be fun to crash the car into a house."

"No, you may not bash your sister."

"No, I am not going to re-name you Shaun the tornado interceptor."

"No, you may not be cross, you need to choose to be happy." Yes, he said "cross." I have an old english man trapped in a tiny body for a son.

"Yes, that is a suspension bridge. And where did you learn the word suspension anyway?"

"Stop licking my arms."

"Did you just say phidipus jumping spider? Where did you learn the word phidipus and what does that even mean?"

"Do we really have to watch another National Georgraphic movie? Can't we watch a cartoon instead?" - He does like cartoons, but lately he has been on a natural disaster and spider kick. Those are what he wants to watch movies about. He will probably grow up to be some kind of scientist or storm chaser.

"No, that lady did not eat a baby." - We were watching the tornado interceptor movie and Shaun's wife was pregnant, so they showed her belly on camera. Connor asked what was going on with her tummy and I said there was a baby in there. Which led to the question, "What! Did she eat a baby?!" The whole conversation made me laugh until I realized that his next question would probably be how did that baby get in there. Luckily for me he got distracted so Ididn't have to answer that uncomfortable question.

And the thing I find myself saying almost everyday, "No, you may not run around naked."

These kids, especially my son, make my life interesting. I just love them to pieces and am so glad I get to be their mom.


  1. Well, you got one up on me. I've never had to repeat back to any of my four children phidipus jumping spider. Is that even a real name for a spider?

  2. Not too long ago I had to tell Alex "Stop touching doggy's penis." (Our Great Dane isn't fixed - his privates are right at Alex's eye level.) That was a great moment.

  3. Stop licking my arms, lol! Amy loved this post, too funny!

  4. I have not stopped laughing at this!!!! I shared it with my office! oh my goodness. . . awesome.
