Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What to do, What to do?

We are out of milk. Well, we are out of 1% milk which is what I like to drink. We have whole milk but that is for Sis and I just can't drink that stuff. Connor was afraid he was going to turn back into a baby because he had to have whole milk this morning, I assured him that I would in no way give anything to him that would make him turn back into a baby, I just wouldn't punish myself by doing that.

So the dilemma is, do I pack up the kids and run to the store for milk or just wait until Scott gets home and see if he will do it for me. If I go I could get myself a latte, but I don't have any makeup on and didn't do anything to my hair and I am wearing my holey sweats and I don't think I can bring myself to put on jeans this morning. At least I am wearing a bra. Do I risk going to the store and having people I know see me and think to themselves, "Wow, Amy has really let herself go since she became a stay at home mom. Poor Scott." Or do I not worry about what people think and just walk in as I am? Do you see the dilemma I face? I know you feel bad for me. I told Scott we just need to get a cow and put it in the back yard but he didn't think this would be a good idea, seeings as how a puppy was too much work for me and we ended up giving it back to the person we got it from after a only a week. I am not big about animals peeing on my carpet and when I saw a flea it was all over. I need a clean, potty trained, lazy pet. But I don't have to potty train a cow so I don't see what the big deal is. It's a good thing Connor never peed on the carpet when we were potting training or I would have had to get rid of him too. He did pee on the wood floor but that was actually kind of funny, or rather his reaction was funny. I had just put big boy underwear on him and I said he wasn't allowed to go potty in his underwear. A little bit later I hear water splashing on the floor. I look over and he had this look of panic on his face. "What is happening to me?!" he says. He was used to his diaper catching everything for him and was shocked to discover things just gushing out of him and all over him. Scott just kind of stood there with a look of bewilderment on his face. I asked for his help and he looked at me helplessly and said, "What do I do? I don't know what to do?" Oh that husband of mine.

Anyways. Do I go, or do I not? I think I may be able to set aside my pride for a white chocolate mocha from starbucks. 


  1. I think for me a white mocha would definitely win out! (the bra is a must though :)

  2. Oh, Amy I so remember those days of dilemma. Usually the lazy in me came out and I asked Erik to shop on his way home!!

  3. I love your posts Amy.. Conner , Conner Conner..too funny ..so did you get milk?
