Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Deadly Dozen

This is my sons new favorite show. No matter how many times I try to get him to watch the new Rapunzel movie, he always chooses this one. It's an animal planet documentary that we have on Netflix that has 8 different episodes and each episode is about the 12 most deadly animals in 8 different places around the world. I now know 8 different places that I will NOT be traveling to thanks to this show. I have learned a lot of interesting facts about different animals. Like did you know a hippo can run 45 miles an hour. That's on land! They are among the deadly dozen so stay away from them. Oh, and Jellyfish, don't even get me started, just take my advice and stay out of the water.

Connor's favorite episode is the one about Australia, but the only part he wants to watch is the spider part. Shocking, I know. It's about the red back spider and the funnel web spider. Both are extremely deadly and he is just fascinated with them. Did you know that the funnel web spider has fangs that are so long you have to pull the spider off of you when you get bit? It can bite right through your toenail! I can hardly type that without getting the goosebumps. I have had to put a stop to watching this show because when I lay in bed at night I totally psyche myself out and think I can feel spiders crawling on me. It takes me forever to fall asleep and then I dream about funnel web spiders being stuck in my toenail. It's awful.

I was snuggling with Connor the other night in his bed and he says to me, "When are we going to Australia mom so we can see the funnel web spider?" And I of course responded with a "Well son, that would be never." But he wasn't upset at all. He says, "That's okay mom, Grandma will take me." And you know he is probably right. I don't think there is anything my mother wouldn't do for her grandson, and that includes trips to far away places to see extremely poisonous spiders.

I can't wait for him to get over this spider kick. I am going to continue to push that Rapunzel movie. It's so cute and there isn't any spiders in it. Why don't my children want to watch those fun disney movies? I grew up watching them and I loved every single one. I made Connor watch Robin Hood not too long ago and he said it made him nervous. It's just not normal! Robin Hood makes you nervous but you are completely okay with deadly spiders? What can I do though, this is the world I live in. I can only hope that with all the tornado, hurricane, and spider shows we watch that he will grow up to be some kind of scientist and make his momma lots of money.


  1. Robin hood made him nervous...Laughing...JOY!

  2. I had to laugh..Grandma will take me..yep..good luck with "to see the spiders" part of going to Australia I was on edge just reading what you wrote myself. ( On a positive note though..he is making really good use of his scientific littlew mind isn't he ..School might be a bit slow for him!.

  3. He's advanced, Amy that's all (just keep telling yourself that and maybe it will all just go away!).

  4. This post made me laugh - I can perfectly hear and see you saying "that would be never". And your dreams, oh poor Amy! :) I'm all for kids making lots of money for their mamas though!
