Monday, March 28, 2011

Mi Familia - Part 2

The Siblings-

Sibling #1 Melody

  • Fellow pale skinned red head
  • Suffers from Middle Child Syndrome
  • Still harbors bitterness that she never had a lunch pail and never got to be on the Ramblin Rod show. Sibling #2 and I like to remind her that we both had lunch pails and got to be on the Ramblin Rod show several times.
  • Has chronic tripping issues and by that I mean she trips on the air while she is walking, throws her arms behind her, falling completely to the ground, and finishing with a tuck and roll. This has been the source of many good stories.
  • Roommate for far too many years
  • Turned out to be one of my bestest friends
  • Sweetest person you would ever meet
  • Great shopping buddy
  • Great to laugh with (and sometimes at)

Sibling #2 Douglas

  • The outnumbered boy of the family
  • Subjected to musicals and being dressed up by his older sisters for most of his younger years
  • Used to think boys wore one piece bathing suits to go swimming (see number two). He wouldn't wear swim trunks because he thought he was being immodest by letting his top half show.
  • Is nowadays referred to as the life of the party
  • Fun lovin
  • The only one of the siblings that can actually tan
  • His voice gets louder the more excited he gets which causes my quiet Melancholy husband to say things like "Dude, I am right here."
  • Directionally challenged
  • Great shopping buddy
  • Could not whisper to save his life


  1. Aaah, Gotta love the siblings (which infact, I do love your siblings!)

  2. I would venture to say that you are ALL directionally challenged!! ha ha (as am I... it's a tough life we lead, but thank goodness we now have the beloved GPS.)

  3. rejoice Amy..I have had help at last...nothing to do with your blog .. which is delightful by the way...hope you know what I am referring to. :D
