Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Conversation with Connor

Me: Gross! Connor, why is the toilet paper wet?

Connor: Nuffing (this is the answer I get whenever he thinks he is going to get in trouble)

Me: Connor, why is the toilet paper wet?

Connor: Just nuffing mom

Me: Connor, tell me why this toilet paper is all wet

Connor: it was the spiders mom

Me (becoming very irritated and thinking that he probably peed on the toilet paper): Connor, tell me right now why the toilet paper is wet.

Connor: I was just licking it mom.

Me (taken completely off guard and can't help but start laughing): Connor, that is weird. You may not lick the toilet paper anymore.


  1. HA HA HA! Glad it was your kid and not mine. Connor...licking toilet paper is disturbing!!

  2. ..even so is not the worst thing he could have done..way to come clean Conner!!!

  3. Way to stick to your guns, Amy! However, sometimes it's best to not know:)
